How to Dev Portal Part 1: Platform, Telemetry, and Trips

In our first ever blog series, we're going to drill in to some of the deeper features of the Vinli Developer Portal. We've found that most folks stick to the basics while using the portal... registering their app, setting up clients, and viewing their usage. Those things are totally necessary, but the portal has a lot more firepower and we want developers everywhere to take advantage.

Devices & Vehicles (& Bears, oh my!)

We list each and every Vinli device that's authorized your app. This includes Dummy Devices created for testing with Virtual Vinli. Just click the 'Devices' tab on the left to see them.

Click on a the device Id to drill into device details. You'll see a list of all Vehicles associated with devices, and a panel that exposes the different interactions with the Vinli platform.


Telemetry Service provides time-series with vehicle data and location. It's a pillar of the Vinli platform, and we expose everything right here in the Developer Portal!


Click 'Messages' to see a list of date-stamped telemetry messages for the Vinli device. You can use the 'Toggle' button to see the entire message. Messages will typically include a location and a several vehicle parameters. Not all parameters are included in every message.


By default, we'll stitch together locations from the 20 most recent telemetry messages on a map. Feel free to 'Load More' if you'd like. Generally - this provides a way to get insight into driving patterns and scenarios. For example, in the screenshot below... it looks like the driver (me) took a right and then hit some traffic (as evidenced by the bunched up location pins).


Snapshots are an excellent way to poke around at the actual data coming off of a Vinli equipped vehicle. While telemetry messages provide an abundance of data, snapshots let you zoom in on the PIDs that you care about.


The Vinli Developer Portal allows you to drill deep into individual trips. First you'll see the trip overview panel, with key details like start, stop, status, and distance. You'll also get quick access to some of the more commonly used trip stats, like Fuel Economy, and Hard Start/Stop counts.

Below you'll see the trip plotted on a map.

After that, you'll get a complete list of Events and Messages associated with the trip. Notice that we also expose the associated data for Events.